Friday, November 28, 2008

C4 and Genkai Merge!

Today, November 28 on Black Friday, C4 Studios has made a big choice. Today, C4 Studios, the development team working on Blade's End has decided to merge with Genkai! This development team is currently developing the award winning Jade Elegy (awarded at Project of the Month) The brand new Sector of C4 Studios will be called C4: Genkai and will continue development on Jade Elegy unhindered as is C4 will with Blade's End. New information about this merge can be found at the C4 Website here.
As for Development on Blade's End, it is going smoothly with Chapter One coming along nicely. At the moment the team is re-working much of the dialogue and a few of the scenes to make it the best that it can be.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

C4 Studio's Blog is officially up!

Welcome to the C4 Studios Development Blog. I have been really lazy lately with making my game and now with this blog I hope all of that will stop. This blog should be updated every week with news about upcoming games, development progress, demos, stories, etc. The current project of the C4 Development Team is Blade's End. At the moment all information in this blog will probably pertain to the development of Blade's End alone and any and all resources that we make can be found here "Under Strict Copyright".
Now my first order of business in this blog is to state that at the moment and most likely for a good bit of time real "substance" development (playable development) will not be occurring. For the next couple of weeks my writers and I will be working on the story and plot before anything else is done. Although! Concept Art and other forms of development art are in "production" and should be finished in a matter of weeks.